Thryve Magazine

When a gal at work told me about Thryve Magazine, I knew it was going to be right up my ally. It is a Christian magazine written by women for women.  Inside you will find stunning photos, amazing articles, recipes, and an amazing message. Everything about it is beautiful. Food for the eyes, mind, and soul. Their mission is to “inspire and empower women to not merely exist, but to live fully alive.”

Each issue revolves around a central theme. I recently purchased the second issue which focuses on “Purpose.” The articles center around finding and embracing God’s purpose in your life as a woman, wife, or mother. There were amazing articles about adoption, courage, facing insecurities, and finding joy in the unexpected places that your path can lead. I found it to be so moving and inspiring. I cannot wait to read issue three which focuses on “Depth.”

Thryve Magazine

Currently Thryve Magazine is only available online via digital downloads but it looks the hard copies will be back in stock soon. I will probably repurchase the hard copies as well to be able to loan them out and make notes. They also each come with a coordinating Dwell journal for notes and thoughts related to each issue. I purchased my digital copies of the second and third issue here.